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Taylor Swift

“The Huge Impact Taylor Swift has on Entertainment Industry”

1 min read 2023-10-27, 05:30 PM IST

Many people are now choosing to watch a concert on a movie theater screen instead of going to see a movie. This new trend has become very popular, especially among people who couldn’t get tickets to a Taylor Swift concert.

Yes, Taylor Swift’s newest concert film has broken records and is now the most successful concert film ever.

But what is it about this specific popular singer that has allowed her to have such a significant impact, to the point where she affects the economic growth of the cities she goes to. To understand the reasons behind Taylor Swift’s immense popularity, we look to Serona Elton, the Director of the Music Industry Program at the University of Miami.

Our expert, Serona Elton, will talk about what is causing Swiftmania and explain how Taylor Swift has become very influential in the entertainment industry.

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