This year, Kartik Purnima falls on November 27. This year, it is the 554th birth commemoration of Master Nanak Dev. Here are the best wishes to share whereas celebrating Guru Nanak Jayanti.
3 min read 11/27/2023, 03:20 PM IST
Master Nanak Jayanti, too known as Master Nanak’s Prakash Utsav, commemorates the birth of the primary Sikh Master, Master Nanak Dev Ji. This celebration holds monstrous importance for Sikhism, celebrating the respected Master who played a significant part in forming the Sikh community. Master Nanak’s birth anniversary is watched on the Total Moon day of the Indian lunar month of Kartik, falling on November 27 this year, checking the 554th birth commemoration of Master Nanak Dev.
Best Wishes for Master Nanak Jayanti;
- May the brilliant lessons of Master Nanak Dev Ji illuminate your soul, directing you toward otherworldly shrewdness and inward peace. Upbeat Master Nanak Jayanti!
- Wishing you plenteous bliss and success on Master Nanak Jayanti. May Master Nanak’s gifts light up your way, bringing joy and honesty to your life.
- Upbeat Master Nanak Jayanti! May the divine beauty of Master Nanak direct you through life, filling your days with cherish, kindness, and fulfillment.
- On this sacrosanct event, may your life be implanted with the divine favors of Waheguru. May you walk a way of nobility and satisfaction. Upbeat Master Nanak Jayanti!
- As we celebrate Master Nanak Jayanti, may the light of Master Nanak’s intelligence sparkle brightly in your heart. Wishing you a life filled with otherworldly lavishness, peace, and success.
Master Nanak Dev Cites;
- “Nanak Naam Jahaaz Hai, Jo Chadhe So Uttre Paar.” (Nanak’s title is like a dispatch that will take you to your salvation.)
- “He who has no confidence in himself can never have confidence in God.” – Master Nanak
- “Indeed Rulers and sovereigns with loads of riches and endless domain cannot compare with an subterranean insect filled with the adore of God.” – Master Nanak
- “Stay in peace within the domestic of your being, and the Courier of Passing will not be able to touch you.” – Master Nanak
- “Those who have cherished are those who have found God.”
- “Let no man within the world live in daydream. Without a Master, none can cross over to the other shore.” – Master Nanak
Nanak wrote various psalms, compiled within the Adi Granth, the essential sacred writing of Sikhism by Master Arjan. Master Nanak’s lessons emphasize the unity of the maker and advocate for the message of sacrificial benefit to humankind. Driving up to Master Nanak Jayanti, celebrations include the critical custom of Akhand Way, the continuous recitation of the Master Granth Sahib, over a ceaseless 48-hour period in Gurudwaras.